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Here is what we have found for you. To view details of a test, click on its name. If you have a question, please contact Corewell Health Reference Laboratory at 1-800-551-0488.

Factor H Level
B-1H, Radial Immuno Assay, RIA, NJH: FHL, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

Factor II Activity
Factor II Assay, Antrim #26120, EPIC: LAB5179, FII

Factor IX Activity
Christmas Disease Factor, Factor 9 Assay, Factor IX Assay, Antrim #26150, EPIC: LAB5180, FIX

Factor V Activity
Labile factor, Factor V Assay, Antrim #26130, EPIC: LAB5181, FIVEA

Factor V Genotyping Analysis
Factor V Leiden Mutation, FV, Factor V Leiden Genotyping, EPIC: LAB6383, Beaker: GFVG

Factor VII Activity
Stable Factor, Proconvertin, Factor 7 Assay, Factor VII Assay, Antrim #26135, EPIC: LAB5183, FVII

Factor VIII Activity
AHF Assay, Factor VIII Procoagulant, Antihemophilic factor, Factor 8 Assay, Antrim #26140, EPIC: LAB5184, FVIII

Factor X Activity
Stuart factor, Stuart Prower factor, Stuart-Prower factor, Factor 10 Assay, Factor X Assay, Antrim #26150, EPIC: LAB5185, FX

Factor XI Activity
Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent, Factor 11 Assay, Factor XI Assay, Antrim #26155, EPIC: LAB5186, FXI

Factor XII Activity
Hageman factor, Factor 12 Assay, Factor XII Assay, Antrim #26160, EPIC: LAB5187, FXII

Familial Mediterranean Fever Mutation Analysis
MEFV, FMF, SAA1, Order Miscellaneous Send Out.  Prevention Code: 7739

Fatty Acid Profile
Omega Fatty Acids, EPIC: LAB6259, Beaker: XFAP, Mayo: FAPCP

Febrile Agglutinins
Typhi, Typhus, Typhoid, EPIC: LAB6020, Beaker: XFBAG, ARUP: 2010805

Fecal Fat, Qualitative
Qualitative Fecal Fat, EPIC: LAB7004, Beaker: XQFFL, Warde: FECFT

Fecal Fat, Quantitative
Fat, Fecal, EPIC: LAB6018, Beaker: XFATF, Mayo: FATF

Fecal Lactoferrin Assay
WBC, leukocytes, Gram Stain, methylene blue, inflammatory diarrhea, non-inflammatory diarrhea, Leuko EZ Vue, EPIC: LAB5513

Fecal Leukocytes
WBC, leukocyte, Gram Stain, methylene blue, inflammatory diarrhea, non-inflammatory diarrhea, EPIC: LAB5514, Beaker: FWBC, Antrim: 40274

Felbatol®, EPIC: LAB6021, Beaker: XFELB, Warde: FELBA

Fentanyl Confirmation, Urine
Actiq, Duragesic, Durogesic, Fentanyl and Metabolite, Fentore, Innovar, Instanyl, lonsys, norfentanyl, onsolis, sublimaze, LAB7959, FENCF

Ferritin Level, EPIC: LAB5047, Beaker: FER, Antrim: 17227

Fetal Cells, Kleinhauer Betke
Fetal Cells, Kleinhauer and Betke, fetal hemoglobin, hemoglobin F, acid elution slide test, acid elution for fetal hemoglobin, EPIC: LAB474

Fetal Cells, Kleinhauer Betke
Fetal Cells, Kleihauer and Betke, fetal hemoglobin, hemoglobin F, acid elution slide test, acid elution for fetal hemoglobin, EPIC: LAB474

Fetal Fibronectin

Fetal Genotyping for Red Cell Antigen - Jka/Jkb
Kidd, jka, jkb, Kidd antigen genotyping, Blood Center of Wisconsin: BCW3862, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

Fetal RBC Assay
Fetal RBC Assay (FMH), Fetal hemoglobin, Hemoglobin F, Fetal RBC, Flow Cytometry, Fetal RBC, EPIC: LAB6413

Fibrin Degradation Products
FSP, FDP, Fibrin Breakdown products, Fibrin Split Products, Temporary code: XMISC LAB6433
Ask order question: free text “FDP”

Fibrin Stabilizing Factor
Factor 13, Factor XIII, Antrim #26165, EPIC: LAB5189, FSF

Factor I, EPIC: LAB7027, LAB314, Antrim: 26170

Fibrinogen Antigen, Plasma
Immunologic Fibrinogen, Factor I Antigen, EPIC: LAB6260, Beaker: XFIBA, Mayo: FIBAG

Fibroblast Growth Factor 23
EPIC: LAB7598, Beaker: XFIBGF23, Mayo: IFGF23

Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 Receptor (FGFR3)
Order Miscellaneous Send Out. Prevention Code: 9245

Filaria IgG Antibodies
EPIC: LAB7599, Beaker: XFILIGG4, Mayo: FFAG4

Fine Needle Aspiration - Farmington Hills
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL FNA, EPIC: LAB7907

Fine Needle Aspiration, Deep - Grosse Pointe
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL (NON-GYN/FNA), EPIC: LAB6797, SOFT: CYT

Fine Needle Aspiration, Deep - Royal Oak
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL (NON-GYN/FNA), EPIC: LAB6797, SOFT: CYT

Fine Needle Aspiration, Deep - Troy
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL (NON-GYN/FNA), EPIC: LAB6797, SOFT: CYT

Fine Needle Aspiration, Non-Thyroidal
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, FNAB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL FNA, EPIC: LAB7907

Fine Needle Aspiration, Superficial - Grosse Pointe
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL (NON-GYN/FNA), EPIC: LAB6797, SOFT: CYT

Fine Needle Aspiration, Superficial - Royal Oak
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL (NON-GYN/FNA), EPIC: LAB6797, SOFT: CYT

Fine Needle Aspiration, Superficial - Troy
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL (NON-GYN/FNA), EPIC: LAB6797, SOFT: CYT

Fine Needle Aspiration, Thyroid
FNA, Needle aspirate, Fine needle biopsy, FNB, CYTOLOGY, MEDICAL FNA, EPIC: LAB7907

First Trimester Down's Syndrome Screen
First Trimester Screen for Down's Syndrome, First Trimester Screen for Down Syndrome, First Trimester Down's Syndrome Screen, PAPP-A, Antrim #31425, EPIC: LAB5775, SOFT: DOWN1

Fish Cod (Allergen Specific IgE)
Fish (Cod), Cod Fish, Fish, Cod (f3), Antrim #31384, EPIC: LAB5633, SOFT: EFIS

FISH Testing

Flecainide Level
Tambocor, EPIC: LAB6022, Beaker: XFLEC, Mayo: FLEC

Flounder (Allergen Specific IgE)
EPIC: LAB7813, Beaker: XFLNDIGE, Warde: RF147

Flow Cytometry Crossmatch Transplantation
FCXM-Transplant, Flow Cytometry Crossmatch, Organ donor tissue typing, White cell crossmatch, Human leukocyte antigens, Crossmatch, Recipient Flow Cytometry Crossmatch, EPIC:  LAB6415

Flow Cytometry for Hematolymphoid Neoplasm
Myeloma, Lymphoproliferative, Lymphoma, CLL, Leukemia, Myelodysplasia, Acute Leukemia, Hematolymphoid Neoplasm, Flow Cytometry, Hematolymphoid Neoplasm, Flow Cytometry for Hematolymphoid Neoplasm, (CSF), FHEMC , EPIC: LAB6414, SOFT: FHEMG 

FLT3 Mutation Analysis
AML, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndrome, MDS,FLT3 Internal Tandem Duplication, FLT3 D835, FLT3 ITD, FLT3 Tyrosine Kinase Domain, EPIC: LAB6928, Abbreviation: GFLT3

Fluconazole Level, EPIC: LAB7170, SOFT: FLUCO

ARUP: 91341, Order as Miscellaneous Send Out (Beaker: XMISC).


Fluoxetine Level (including Norfluoxetine)
Prozac, Fluoxetine (Prozac), Antrim #16960, EPIC: LAB5390, SOFT: FLUOX

Fluphenazine Level
Prolixin, Permitil, EPIC: LAB6024, Beaker: XFLUP, ARUP: 99906

Fluvoxamine Level
Luvox®, ARUP, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out (XMISC)

Folate Level
Serum Folate, EPIC: LAB5049, Beaker: FOL, Antrim: 17239

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
FSH, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, EPIC: LAB5050, Beaker: FSH, Antrim: 18270

Food Panel (IgE)
Food Allergy Panel IgE, Food Panel, Antrim #32001, EPIC: LAB5634, SOFT: EFOOD

Formaldehyde (Allergen Specific IgE)
Formaldehyde (k80), Antrim #31820, EPIC: LAB5635, SOFT: EFOR

Formic Acid
Formate, EPIC: LAB6027, Beaker: XFRMA, NMS: 2134SP

Fragile X Syndrome, Blood
EPIC: LAB6495, Beaker: XFRGX, DMC: 332122

Francisella tularensis Antibodies, IgG and IgM
Tularemia Antibody (Francisella tularensis), EPIC: LAB6029, Beaker: XFTUL, ARUP: 3002912

Free Fatty Acids, Total, Serum
EPIC: LAB7141, Beaker: XNEFA, Mayo: NEFA

Free Light Chains
Immunoglobulin Free Light Chains, Serum Free Light Chains, SFLC, FLC, EPIC: LAB5856, Beaker: FRLC, Antrim #19314

Free PSA (including Total)
EPIC: LAB7158, PSAF2; For men 49 and younger go to: EPIC: LAB8586

Free PSA (including Total) for males 49 and younger
EPIC: LAB8586, Beaker: XPSATF, Mayo: PSAFT

Free T4 (Thyroxine) by Equilibrium Dialysis
This test is only available to Endocrinologists and Nuclear Medicine Physicians.

Free Thyroxine (FT4)
FT4, Free T4, Free Thyroid Index, T4, Free, Free Thyroxine (FT4), EPIC: LAB5120, Beaker: FRT4, Antrim: 17150

Free Triiodothyronine (FT3)
FT3, Free T3, T3, Free, EPIC: LAB5121, Beaker: FRT3

Friedreich's Ataxia
FRDA, BAYLOR 6031. Testing requires pathology approval prior to collection.

Frozen Section – Farmington Hills Only
Please contact the Farmington Hills Anatomic Pathology Laboratory if assistance with ordering is needed.

Frozen Section/Intra-Operative Consultation (FS/IOC)

Glycated Albumin, Glycated proteins, EPIC: LAB6030, Beaker: XFRUC, Warde: FRUC

Fructose, Semen
Semen Fructose, EPIC: LAB6031, Beaker: XFRSE, ARUP: 80112

Fungal Antibodies, CF
Fungal Antibodies by Complement Fixation, EPIC: LAB6033, Beaker: XFGCF, ARUP #3000235

Fungal Antibodies, ID
Fungal Antibodies by Immunodiffusion , EPIC: LAB6032, Beaker: XFGID, ARUP #50164

Beta-D-Glucan, MiraVista #317, CSF: EPIC: LAB6983, Beaker: XFGTC, Serum: EPIC: LAB6982, Beaker: XFGTS

Fusarium proliferatum (Allergen Specific IgE)
Fusarium moniliforme, EPIC: LAB5637, SOFT: EFUP

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