Quality Assurance & Accreditations

Quality assurance and accreditation is a key focus of Corewell Health Laboratory. In order to be awarded various accreditations, lab systems and processes must be in place. These include a quality management program, performance improvement program, competency assessment program and laboratory medical director oversight, along with additional structures and procedures. Our low diagnostic discrepancy rate on biopsies and surgical specimens between Beaumont Laboratory and reviewing institutions is 80 percent below published reference rates. Our care is meticulous in specimen handling, incorporating a bar-code tracking system.

Accreditations & Approvals

Corewell Health Laboratory is accredited by the following prestigious organizations:

Quality Control

Six Sigma and Lean are used to continuously improve quality and streamline processes.

Other quality improvement methods include:

  • Quality assessment checks with very narrow parameters
  • Metrics monitored on a daily basis
  • Meticulous care in specimen handling, incorporating a state-of-the-art specimen tracking system with bar-coding
  • Real-time GPS technology tracking


Laboratory personnel certified by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) includes:

  • Medical Technologists
  • Medical Laboratory Technicians
  • Cytogenetic Technologists
  • Molecular Pathology Technologists
  • Histocompatibility Technologists
  • Laboratory Assistants
  • Histotechnologists
  • Histotechnicians

Other Licenses

Royal Oak



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