Specimen Collection Manual: Blood for Fungal Isolation
- Use one Wampole® ISOLATOR™ 10 mL tube for each Fungal Culture ordered.
- Each tube will hold a maximum 10 mL of blood. Minimum blood volume required is no less than 7.0 mL.
- Use one Pediatric Wampole® ISOLATOR™ 1.5 mL tube for each Fungal Culture ordered.
- Each tube will hold a maximum 1.5 mL of blood. Minimum blood volume required is no less than 1.0 mL.
Specimen Collection Criteria
Collection Notes
- Blood volume is one of the most important variables in detection of a septic episode. Submitting less than the minimum volume of blood may compromise the quality of the blood culture.
- Hand-write on the specimen label the time and date of collection and the name of the collector. When drawing separate sets from different sites, include this information on all the labels.
- It is recommended that 2-3 sets of blood be obtained within 24 hours and that no blood cultures be obtained after that time unless the patient's condition changes. If at all possible, blood should be obtained prior to the administration of antimicrobial agents.
- More than 3 ordered blood cultures requires the approval of the Microbiology Medical or Technical Director.
- If a specific fungus is suspected, the Microbiology Laboratory must be notified.
- Decontaminate the stopper of the Wampole® ISOLATOR™ tube using a clean 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe. Allow alcohol to dry completely.
- Prepare the venipuncture site as follows:
- Thoroughly disinfect venipuncture site by applying ChloraPrep® antiseptic on the skin using a back-and-forth friction scrub for 30 seconds.
- Allow the ChloraPrep® to dry completely (approximately 30 seconds). Do not perform venipuncture through wet Chloraprep®. NOTE: ChloraPrep® cannot be used on infants less than 2 months old. Scrub site using isopropanol/acetone sepp followed by PVP iodine sepp from center outward in a circular direction. Iodine must dry completely.
- Do not wipe the site with guaze. Do not touch the venipuncture site with your fingers. Do not palpate the vein after skin disinfection unless a sterile glove is worn.
- Perform the venipuncture using the Wampole® ISOLATOR™ tube with an evacuated tube system or syringe with safety collection set (butterfly) needle. Use Vacutainer® transfer device to introduce blood into the Wampole® ISOLATOR™ tube.
- It is very important to collect adequate blood volumes per Wampole® ISOLATOR™ tube.
- If other tests are ordered, obtain the blood culture first. When absolutely essential, another tube may be collected before the blood culture but only when the stopper has been decontaminated with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Exceptions are Ionized Calcium and Venous pH.
- Send Wampole® ISOLATOR™ tubes to the Microbiology Laboratory immediately.
- Avoid drawing blood through an indwelling intravenous or intra-arterial catheter unless it is needed specifically to evaluate a potential catheter-related infection or if venous access is NOT available. For proper interpretation of catheter cultures, it is recommended that venipuncture blood be obtained for a second blood culture.
- Decontaminate the stopper of the Wampole® ISOLATOR™ tube using a clean 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe. Allow alcohol to dry completely.
- Clean port with alcohol prep and allow to dry.
- Collect blood into a syringe and fill the Wampole® ISOLATOR™ tubes as described above. Send to the Microbiology Laboratory immediately.
Microbiology Laboratory – RO
Name: Microbiology Laboratory – RO
Phone: 248-551-8090
Microbiology Laboratory – TR
Name: Microbiology Laboratory – TR
Phone: 248-964-6127
Microbiology Laboratory – GP
Name: Microbiology Laboratory – GP
Phone: 313-473-1802
Last Updated
Microtainer® and Vacutainer® are registered trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company.
UroVysion® is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. ThinPrep® is a registered trademark of Hologic, Incorporated.