Lab Test


Test Codes

EPIC: LAB6153, Beaker: XSOMA, Mayo: FSOMA


Send Outs


  • The patient should be fasting 10-12 hours prior to collection.
  • The patient should not be on any antacid medication or medications that affect insulin secretion or intestinal motility, if possible, for at least 48 hours prior to collection.
  • Special GI preservative tubes may be obtained from Client Services at 800-551-0488.

Specimen Collection Criteria

Collect: One 10 mL EDTA tube containing GI Preservative. (This tube has a red top with a label stating that it contains GI preservative.)

  • Write Inter Science on label of the specimen.
  • Critical frozen. Send specimen for processing immediately after collection.

Physician Office/Draw Specimen Preparation

Critical frozen. Centrifuge to separate plasma from cells. Transfer plasma to plastic transport tube and freeze (-20°C/-4°F or below) immediately.

Preparation for Courier Transport

Transport: 3.0 mL plasma, frozen (-20°C/-4°F or below). (Minimum: 1.0 mL)

Rejection Criteria

  • Gross hemolysis.
  • Gross lipemia.
  • Specimens not collected in EDTA with GI Preservative.
  • Specimens not collected and processed as indicated.

In-Lab Processing

Critical frozen. Centrifuge to separate plasma from cells. Transfer plasma to plastic transport tube and freeze (-20°C/-4°F or below) immediately.

Transport: 3.0 mL plasma, frozen (-20°C/-4°F or below). (Minimum: 1.0 mL) 


Specimen Stability for Testing:

Room Temperature (20-26°C or 68-78.8°F): Unacceptable
Refrigerated (2-8°C or 36-46°F): Unacceptable
Frozen (-20°C/-4°F or below): 90 days

Specimen Storage in Department Prior to Disposal:

Specimen retention time is determined by the policy of the reference laboratory. Contact the Send Outs Laboratory with any questions.


Sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories, Rochester, MN, forwarded to Inter Science Institute, Inglewood, CA.


Monday – Friday.
Results available in 7-11 days.

Reference Range

Up to 25 pg/mL.

Test Methodology

Direct Radioimmunoassay (RIA).


Somatostatin is a physiological regulator of islet cell and gastrointestinal functions and is a suppressor of many pituitary hormones including Growth Hormone, Prolactin, and Thyrotropin (TSH).

Somatostatin levels are often elevated in diabetics, but the levels return to normal upon correction of the hormonal and metabolic deficiencies present. Elevated levels are also found in many cases of APUDomas including Vasoactive intestinal polypedtideoma, Insulinoma, Glucagonoma, and Gastrinoma.

Clinical Utility

This assay may aid in the diagnosis of certain gut and pancreatic tumors.

CPT Codes

LOINC:  2961-1


Last Updated


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