Lab Test

Amylase Isoenzymes, Serum

Salivary Amylase, Amylase Iso Enzymes, Amylase Pancreatic

Test Codes

EPIC: LAB1231762, Beaker: XAMYI, Mayo: AMISO


Send Outs

Specimen Collection Criteria

Collect (preferred specimen): One Gold-top SST tube.

Also acceptable: One plain Red-top tube.

Physician Office/Draw Specimen Preparation

Centrifuge to separate serum from cells within two hours of collection. Transfer serum to a plastic transport tube and refrigerate (2-8°C or 36-46°F).

Preparation for Courier Transport

Transport: 1.0 mL serum, refrigerated (2-8°C or 36-46°F). (Minimum: 0.5 mL)

Rejection Criteria

  • Hemolyzed specimens.
  • Specimens not collected and processed as indicated.

In-Lab Processing

Centrifuge to separate serum from cells within two hours of collection. Transfer serum to a plastic transport tube and refrigerate (2-8°C or 36-46°F).

Transport: 1.0 mL serum, refrigerated (2-8°C or 36-46°F). (Minimum: 0.5 mL)


Specimen Stability for Testing:

Room Temperature (20-26°C or 68-78.8°F): 7 days
Refrigerated (2-8°C or 36-46°F): 1 month
Frozen (-20°C/-4°F or below): 1 month

Specimen Storage in Department Prior to Disposal:

Specimen retention time is determined by the policy of the reference laboratory. Contact the Send Outs Laboratory with any questions.


Sent to Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester, MN.


Monday – Sunday.
Results available in 1-3 days.

Reference Range

By report.

Test Methodology

Colorimetric Reaction.


Increased concentrations of pancreatic amylase isoenzymes in a context of elevated total serum amylase may indicate pancreatitis.

Clinical Utility

Amylases degrade complex carbohydrates (starches) into simple sugars. Two isoenzymes, pancreatic and salivary, are found in serum. Serum pancreatic amylase should always be interpreted in a context of total amylase to determine the relative contribution of salivary and pancreatic isoenzymes.

Imaging tests have become the diagnostic tests of choice for diagnosing pancreatitis. Pancreatic amylase may be used as an adjunct to totally serum amylase, serum lipase, and imaging tests.

CPT Codes



Last Updated


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