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Here is what we have found for you. To view details of a test, click on its name. If you have a question, please contact Corewell Health Reference Laboratory at 1-800-551-0488.

T Cell Gene Rearrangement by PCR
Gene Rearrangement, T-cell Gene Rearrangement, T-cell gamma Gene Rearrangement, T-cell Receptor, T-cell PCR, Lymphocyte Gene Rearrangement, EPIC: LAB5128, Beaker: MTCLG

Tacrolimus Level
Prograf, FK506, Tacrolimus/FK506 Level, Antrim #30730, EPIC: LAB5418, SOFT: TACRO

Tamoxifen and Metabolites
4-Hydroxy-Tamoxifen, Endoxifen, N-desmethyltamoxifen, Nolvadex®, EPIC: LAB6529, Beaker: XTAMX, ARUP: Miscellaneous NMS: 4311SP

Teichoic Acid Antibody
Teichoic Acid Antibodies, EPIC: LAB7093, Beaker: XTECH, ARUP: 50775

Testosterone, Free and Bioavailable, Female or Child
Includes SHBG., EPIC: LAB6904, SOFT: TESTS

Testosterone, Free and Bioavailable, Male

Testosterone, Total, Adult Male
Total Testosterone – Testing for Adult Males, Testosterone, Adult Male, EPIC: LAB7029, Beaker: TESTG, Antrim: 19638

Testosterone, Total, Females or Children
Testosterone, Females and Children, Total Testosterone, Women and Children, EPIC: LAB6725, SOFT: TESTF

TG/6MP (Azathioprine and 6-Mercaptopurine)
Azathioprine, 6-Mercaptopurine, Pro-Predict Metabolites, Prometheus 3200

Thallium, Blood
EPIC: LAB6158, Beaker: XTHS, Mayo: TLB

Theophylline Level
Aminophylline, Theodur, Slo-phyllin, Theophylline Level, Serum, EPIC: LAB5419, Beaker: THEO, Antrim: 17140

Thiamin, Blood
Vitamin B1, Thiamine, EPIC: LAB6159, Beaker: XTHWB1, Warde: VB1WB

Thiocyanate Level
Nitroprusside, Nipride, Antrim #17067, EPIC: LAB5420, SOFT: THIOC

Mellaril®, NMS: 4461SP, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

Thrombin Time
TT, Antrim #26447, EPIC: LAB5214

Tg, Antrim #31438, EPIC: LAB5822, SOFT: THYGG

Thyroglobulin by Mass Spectrophotometry
EPIC: LAB7615, Beaker: XTHYROGLB, Mayo: TGMS

Thyroid Autoantibody Panel
Includes: Thyroid Peroxidase Autoantibody (Anti-Microsomal Antibody, Anti-TPO, Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody, TPO) and Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody (Anti-Thyroglobulin, ATG, Anti-Tg, Thyroglobulin Antibody)., EPIC: LAB5823, SOFT: THYPN

Thyroid Peroxidase Autoantibody
Anti-microsomal antibody, anti-TPO, anti-Thyroid Peroxidase, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPO), Antrim #30530, EPIC: LAB5821, SOFT: ATA

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), 3rd Generation
Thyrotropin, EPIC: LAB7030, Beaker: TSHG, Cord Blood: EPIC: LAB6598, Beaker: TSHCB, Antrim: 16970

Tiagabine (Gabitril)™
Gabitril™, Gabitril, EPIC: LAB6162, Beaker: XTIAG, Mayo: FGTIA

Tilapia (Allergen Specific IgE)
EPIC: LAB7770, Beaker: XTLPAIGE, Warde: RF414

Timothy (Allergen Specific IgE)
Timothy (g6), Phleum pratense, Timothy Grass (g6), Antrim #30405, EPIC: LAB5722, SOFT: ETIM

Tissue for Culture and Histology – Farmington Hills Only

Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody (IgA)
TTGA, TTG IgA, Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody, IgA, EPIC: LAB6912, Beaker: TTGAB

Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody (IgG)
EPIC: LAB6163, Beaker: XTTGG, Warde: TTGG

Tobramycin Level, Serum
Nebcin, TobraDex, LEVEL: Antrim #17515, EPIC: LAB5422, SOFT: TOBRA, PEAK: Antrim #17249, EPIC: LAB5423, SOFT: TOBRP, TROUGH: Antrim 17512, EPIC: LAB5424, SOFT: TOBRT, EID: (Is ONLY performed at Grosse Pointe, Royal Oak and Troy) Antrim #17512, EPIC: LAB5425, SOFT: TOBRD

Tonocard®, EPIC: LAB6342, Beaker: XTOC, NMS: 4488SP

Tomato (Allergen Specific IgE)
Tomato (f25), Antrim #31554, EPIC: LAB5723, SOFT: ETMT

Topiramate Level
Topamax, Antrim #31435, EPIC: LAB5426, SOFT: TOPIR

Total Complement (CH50)
CH50, Complement CH50, Total, Antrim #30240, EPIC: LAB7024, SOFT: CH50G

Total Prostate Specific Antigen (tPSA)
PSA (Total), Prostate Specific Antigen, Total (tPSA), Screening: EPIC: LAB5106, Beaker: PSAS, Diagnostic: EPIC: LAB5105, Beaker: PSAD
For men 39 and younger go to: EPIC: LAB8585

Total Prostate Specific Antigen (tPSA) for males 39 and younger
Screening: EPIC: LAB8584, Beaker: XPSAS, Mayo: SPSA;  Diagnostic: EPIC: LAB8585, Beaker: XPSAD, Mayo: PSA

Toxic Alcohol Screen, Serum
Methyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Dimethyl ketone, Acetone, Methanol, Isopropanol, Ethanol, Toxic Serum Alcohol Screen, EPIC: LAB5911, Beaker: ALCSC, Antrim #13180

Toxocara Antibody
Visceral Larva Migrans Antibody, Larva Migrans Antibody, EPIC: LAB7131, Beaker: XTOX, Mayo: TOXOC

Toxoplasma gondii by PCR
EPIC: LAB6165, Beaker: XTOGP, Mayo: PTOX

Toxoplasma gondii by PCR, Whole Blood
EPIC: LAB7866, Beaker: XTOXOB, Mayo: TOXB

Toxoplasma IgG
Toxoplasma Antibody, IgG, EPIC: LAB6891, Beaker: TOXIG

Toxoplasma IgM
Toxoplasma Antibody, IgM, EPIC: LAB6892, Beaker: TOXIM

TPMT Enzyme
thiopurine methyltransferase, thiomethytransferase, 6 mercaptopurine, EPIC: LAB6343, Beaker: XTMPT, ARUP #92066

TPMT Enzyme (Prometheus Laboratories)
thiopurine methyltransferase, thiomethyltransferase, Prometheus 3300

Tramadol Screen, Urine
ConZip, Ultracet, Ultram, Ryzolt, EPIC: LAB7616, Beaker: TRAMADOL, Warde: UTRM5

Siderophilin, EPIC: LAB5796, Beaker: TRANS, Antrim: 15494

Transfusion Reaction Evaluation
Transfusion Evaluation, Transfusion Reaction, EPIC: LAB5286, Beaker: POST1

Trazodone Level
Desyrel, Trazodone, Antrim #17061, EPIC: LAB5427, SOFT: TRAZO

Tree Nut Panel (IgE)
Tree Nut Allergy Panel, Tree Nut Panel, EPIC: LAB5724, SOFT: ETREE

Triazolam Level
Halcion®, NMS: 4543SP, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

Trichoderma viride (Allergen Specific IgE)
Trichoderma viride (m15), Antrim #30410, EPIC: LAB5727, SOFT: ETRV

Trichomonas vaginalis by PCR
Trichomoniasis, Trich, TV, Vaginosis, Vaginitis, STI, NAA, NAAT, EPIC: LAB7076, Beaker: ITVG

Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) Screen
Elavil, Aventyl, Pamelor, Tofranil, Norpramin, Sinequan, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Imipramine, Desipramine, Doxepin, Antrim #13695, EPIC: LAB5910, SOFT: TCASQ

Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) Screen, Urine
Elavil, Aventyl, Pamelor, Tofranil, Norpramin, Sinequan, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Imipramine, Desipramine, Doxepin, EPIC: LAB7095, SOFT: TCASC

Stelazine®, NMS: 4660SP, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

EPIC: LAB5117, Beaker: TRIG, Antrim: 17098

Triglycerides, Fluid
Fluid Triglycerides (Peritoneal, Pleural), Peritoneal Fluid: EPIC: LAB6951, Beaker: TRPYL, Pleural Fluid, Left: EPIC: LAB6937, Beaker: TRPL2, Pleural Fluid, Right: EPIC: LAB6936, Beaker: TRPLR

Artane®, EPIC: LAB6169, Beaker: XTHPL, NMS: 4680

Trimethadione and Metabolite Level
Tridione®, NMS: 4700, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

Fish Odor Syndrome, Trimethylaminuria Test, Volatile Amines, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

Trimipramine Level (including Nortrimipramine)
Surmontil, Trimipramine Level, Antrim #31514, EPIC: LAB5428, SOFT: TRIMP

Tropheryma whipplei, PCR, Blood
Whipples Disease Associated Bacillus (Tropheryma whipplei) DNA Detection-PCR, EPIC: LAB6795, Beaker: XWHPB, Mayo: WHIPB

Troponin I
Cardiac Troponin, TnI, EPIC: LAB7028, Beaker: TROPG, Antrim: 16950
(Inpatient Orders Only)

Trout (Allergen Specific IgE)
Fish, Trout (f204), Antrim #31494, EPIC: LAB5728, SOFT: ETRO

Trypanosoma cruzi Antibody, IgG
Chagas Disease, Tcruzi IgG Ab, EPIC: LAB7733, Beaker: XTCRG, ARUP: 51076

Mast Cell Tryptase, EPIC: LAB6171, Beaker: XTRYP, Warde: TRYP

TSH (3rd Generation) with Reflex to FrT4
TSH (3rd Generation) with Reflex to Free T4, Directed TSH, dir-TSH, TSH, Directed, TSH Reflex, Reflex TSH, Free T4 Reflex, Reflex FT4, EPIC: LAB6903, Beaker: TSHR1

TSH Receptor Antibody (TRAb)
Thyrotropin Receptor Ab, TSH-Binding Inhibiting Immunoglobulin, EPIC: LAB6172, Beaker: XTRAB, Mayo: THYRO

Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha, Plasma
EPIC: LAB6347, Beaker: XTNFA, Mayo: TNFA

Tumor Type-Specific and Large Pan-Cancer Panels by Next Generation Sequencing
Comprehensive Cancer, Lung, Myeloma, Myeloid Neoplasms, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Sarcoma, Melanoma, Colorectal and Neuro Panels Tumor Mutation Panels by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) using the Illumina TruSight Oncology 500 assay (TSO500). Sub-panels available: lung, myeloma, myeloid neoplasms, GIST, sarcoma, melanoma, colorectal, and neuro-oncologic,

Panel Name  Soft code-5 character
Lung Cancer NGS PanelMLUNG
Melanoma NGS Panel MMEL
Colorectal Cancer NGS PanelMCRC
Sarcoma NGS PanelMSARC
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor NGS PanelMGIST
Neuro NGS PanelMNEUR
Myeloma NGS Panel MMYLM
Myeloid neoplasms NGS Panel MMYLD
Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel M500G

Tuna (Allergen Specific IgE)
Tuna Fish (f40), Fish, Tuna (f40), Antrim #31499, EPIC: LAB5729, SOFT: ETUN

Turkey (Allergen Specific IgE)
Turkey (f284), Antrim #30415, EPIC: LAB5730, SOFT: ETRK

Turmeric (Allergen Specific IgE)
EPIC: LAB7795, Beaker: XTUMRIGE, Warde: TURME

Type and Screen
Type/Screen, EPIC: LAB5274, Beaker: TS

Tysabri Antibody
Tysabri® Antibody, Natalizumab, EPIC: LAB6449, Beaker: XTYAB, Mayo: FSABI

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