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IBD Serology 7

Ibuprofen Level
Motrin, Advil, Nuprin, EPIC: LAB1231470, Beaker: XMISC, Mayo: FIBUP

ICU Panel (Southeast Michigan Only)
ICU Panel (Inpatients Only), EPIC: LAB1231680, ICU

IDH1 and IDH2 Mutation
EPIC: LAB1231595, Beaker: XIDHG, U of M: IDH

IgE Kiwi
Kiwi Fruit (f84), EPIC: LAB3072, SOFT: EKIW, Antrim #31524

IgE Lamb Mutton
Lamb/Mutton (f88), EPIC: LAB2111231, SOFT: ELAM, Antrim #31875

IgE Latex
Hevea braziliensis, Latex (k82a1), EPIC: LAB807, SOFT: ELAT, Antrim #31885

IgE Lettuce
Lettuce (f215), EPIC: LAB2111609, SOFT: ELET, Antrim #31890

IgE Linseed/Flaxseed

IgE Lobster
Lobster (f80), EPIC: LAB3020, SOFT: ELOB, Antrim #31474

IgE Macadamia Nut
Macadamia Nut (Rf345), EPIC: LAB3035, SOFT: EMAC, Antrim #31420

IgE Maple Leaf Sycamore, London Plane
Sycamore/Maple Leaf, Maple Leaf, Sycamore (t11), EPIC: LAB2111644, SOFT: EML, Antrim #31650, 

IgE Marsh Elder (Rough)
Rough Marshelder (w16), EPIC: LAB2111685, SOFT: EROM, Antrim #31414

IgE Melon
Melons (f87), Cantaloupe Melon, EPIC: LAB2111674, SOFT: EMLN, Antrim #31529

IgE Milk (Cow)
Milk (f2), EPIC: LAB2111666, SOFT: EMIL, Antrim #31386

IgE Mountain Cedar
Mountain Cedar (t6), Juniperus sabinoides, EPIC: LAB3017, SOFT: EMOU

IgE Mulberry
Mulberry (t70), Morus alba, EPIC: LAB3015, SOFT: EMUL

IgE Nettle
Nettle (w20), Urtica dioica, EPIC: LAB3016, SOFT: ENET

IgE Oak Tree
Oak (White), Quercus species, Oak (t7), EPIC: LAB2111619, SOFT: EOA, Antrim #31411

IgE Orange
Orange (f33), Antrim #30048, EPIC: LAB2111673, SOFT: EORG

IgE Ovalbumin

IgE Ovomucoid

IgE Oyster
Oyster (f290), EPIC: LAB10202, SOFT: EOYT, Antrim #31504

IgE Papaya
Papaya (Rf293), EPIC: LAB3054, SOFT: EPAA, Antrim #31915

IgE Parsley
Parsley (f86), EPIC: LAB2111240, SOFT: EPAR, Antrim #31925

IgE Pea
Pea (f12), EPIC: LAB2111665, SOFT: EPE, Antrim #31930

IgE Peach
Peach (f95), EPIC: LAB3030, SOFT: EPEC, Antrim #31935

IgE Peanut
Peanut (f13), EPIC: LAB2111622, SOFT: EPNU, Antrim #31388

IgE Peanut, Component Allergen Panel if Positive
Peanut (f13), Ara h 1 (f422), Ara h 2 (f423), Ara h 3 (f424), Ara h 8 (f427), Ara h 9 (f352), EPIC: LAB3423, SOFT: PWRTC

IgE Pear
Pear (f94), EPIC: LAB3031, SOFT: EPER, Antrim #30047

IgE Pecan Nut
Pecan (f201), EPIC: LAB2111531, SOFT: EPEN, Antrim #31421

IgE Penicillium chrysogenum
Penicillium chrysogenum/notatum, EPIC: LAB2111625, SOFT: EPNN

IgE Penicilloyl G
Penicilloyl G (Drug) Allergen Specific IgE, Penicilloyl G, Drug (c1), EPIC: LAB2111623, SOFT: EPEG, Antrim #31940

IgE Penicilloyl V
Penicilloyl V (Drug) Allergen Specific IgE, Penicilloyl V, Drug (c2), EPIC: LAB2111624, SOFT: EPEV, Antrim #31950

IgE Pineapple
Pineapple (f210), EPIC: LAB2111628, SOFT: EPIA, Antrim #31955

IgE Pistachio
Pistachio Nut (f203), EPIC: LAB2111629, SOFT: EPIS, Antrim #31423

IgE Plum
Plum (f255), EPIC: LAB3032, SOFT: EPLU, Antrim #31960

IgE Poppy Seed

IgE Redtop/Bentgrass
Redtop Bentgrass (g9), EPIC: LAB2111634, SOFT: ERED, Antrim #31413

IgE Rhizopus nigricans
Rhizopus nigricans (m11), EPIC: LAB3047, SOFT: ERHN, Antrim #31965

IgE Rice
Rice (f9), EPIC: LAB2111669, SOFT: ERIC, Antrim #31539

IgE Salmon
Salmon (f41), EPIC: LAB2111636, SOFT: ESAL, Antrim #31484

IgE Sesame Seed
Sesame Seed (f10), EPIC: LAB3033, SOFT: ESES, Antrim #31990

IgE Sheep Sorrell Weed
Rumex acetosella, Sheep Sorrell Weed (w18), EPIC: LAB3068, SOFT: ESHS, Antrim #31995

IgE Shrimp
Shrimp (f24), EPIC: LAB2111639, SOFT: ESHR, Antrim #31398

IgE Soybean
Soybean (f14), EPIC: LAB2111640, SOFT: ESO, Antrim #31389

IgE Strawberry
Strawberry (f44), EPIC: LAB2111671, SOFT: ESTW, Antrim #31549

IgE Sunflower Seed
Sunflower Seed (k84), EPIC: LAB2111641, SOFT: ESUN, Antrim #30400

IgE Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato (f54), EPIC: LAB2111642, SOFT: ESWP, Antrim #30046

IgE Thistle (Russian)
Russian Thistle (w11), Saltwort, Salsola kali, EPIC: LAB2111645, SOFT: ERUT, Antrim #31970

IgE Timothy Grass
Timothy (g6), Phleum pratense, Timothy Grass (g6), EPIC: LAB2111560, SOFT: ETIM, Antrim #30405

IgE Wasp (Paper) Venom
Paper Wasp (i4), Paper Wasp Venom (i4), EPIC: LAB2111654, SOFT: EPRW, Antrim #31920

Imipramine Level (including Desipramine)
Norpramin (Desipramine), Tofranil (Impramine), Imipramine Level (includes Desipramine), Antrim #17254, EPIC: LAB684, SOFT: IMIPR

Immunoglobulin A (IgA), Blood Level
IgA, Immunoglobulin A, Serum, EPIC: LAB73, Beaker: IGA, Antrim: 30425

Immunoglobulin D, Serum (Southeast Michigan Only)
IGD, IgD, Immune Competence, EPIC: LAB1231201, Beaker: XIGD, ARUP: 3003486

Immunoglobulin E (IgE), Blood Level
IgE, Serum IgE, Total IgE, Immunoglobulin E, Serum, EPIC: LAB74, Beaker: IgE, Antrim #30430

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Subclasses
Immunoglobulin G Subclasses (1, 2, 3, 4), EPIC: LAB570, SOFT: IGSUB, Antrim #30941

Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Blood Level
IgG, Immunoglobulin G, Serum, EPIC: LAB71, Beaker: IGG, Antrim: 30435

Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gene Rearrangement by PCR
B-cell Gene Rearrangement, Immunoglobulin Gene Rearrangement, IGH Gene Rearrangement, B-cell Clonality, B-cell PCR, Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain (IGH) Gene Rearrangement by PCR, Lymphocyte Gene Rearrangement, Gene Tests, EPIC: LAB1231620, Beaker: MBCLG

Immunoglobulin M (IgM), Blood Level
IgM, Immunoglobulin M, Serum, EPIC: LAB72, Beaker: IGM, Antrim: 30470

Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM)
Immunoglobulin G, Immunoglobulin A, Immunoglobulin M, GAM (Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM)), EPIC: LAB1231101, GAM

Infant Type & Screen (0-4 Months)
EPIC: LAB276, Beaker: ITS

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Serology (Southeast Michigan Only)
IBD Panel: S cerevisiae Antibody IgG and IgA, ANCA IFA, EPIC: LAB1231556, Beaker: XIBDS, ARUP: 3003748

Infliximab (IFX)

Influenza A/B, NAA
Flu A, Flu B, Influenza A, Influenza B Virus, URI, ILI, EPIC: LAB7165

Inhibin A (Southeast Michigan Only)

Inhibin B, Serum

Inhibitor Anticoagulant Screen (Southeast Michigan Only)
Inhibitor Screen, Circulating Anticoagulant Screen, Mixing Study, Inhibitor/Anticoagulant Screen, Platelet Neutralization Procedure, PNP, EPIC: LAB1231185

Insecticide Exposure Panel
Cholinesterase, RBC, Pseudocholinesterase, Carbamates, Insecticide poisoning, Acetylcholinesterase, Erythrocytes, EPIC: LAB1231724, Beaker: BH INSECTICI, ARUP: 20175

Insulin Antibodies, Serum

Insulin Level
Insulin, EPIC: LAB527, INSUL, Antrim: 15548

Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3
IGF Binding Protein 3, IGFBP3, EPIC: LAB1231293, SOFT: IGFP3

Insulin, 2-Hour Post 75 g Glucola
EPIC: LAB5812, Beaker: IN2PG

Insulin, Free and Total
EPIC: LAB1230035, Beaker: XINS1, Mayo: INSFT

Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) Binding Protein 2 (Southeast Michigan Only)
IGF Binding Protein 2, IGFBP2, EPIC: LAB1231215, Beaker: XIGB2, ARUP: 0098842

Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 (Southeast Michigan Only)
IGF 2, EPIC: LAB1231214, Beaker: XIGF2, ARUP: 2013599

Insulin-Like Growth Factor(IGF) Binding Protein 1 (Southeast Michigan Only)
IGF Binding Protein 1, IGFBP1, IFBP-1, EPIC: LAB1231450, Beaker: XIGB1, MAYO: FGBP1

Interferon Beta, IgG
NabFeron, Interferon Blocking Ab, EPIC: LAB6526, Beaker: XMISC, Mayo: FINA

Interleukin 2 Receptor (CD25), Soluble
Interleukin-2 Receptor, Interleukin 2 Receptor by MAFD, CD25, IL2, EPIC: LAB1230002, Beaker: XIN2R, ARUP: 51529

Interleukin 6, Serum
EPIC: LAB1231451, Beaker: XINT6, Mayo: IL6DX

Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231325, Beaker: XIFAB, Warde: IFAB

Iodine, 24-Hour Urine
Urine Iodine, EPIC: LAB1231707, Beaker: XIODU, Mayo: UIOD

Ionized Calcium SYSTEMIC CRRT
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, EPIC: LAB1231111, Beaker: CAIOC

Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity (FE TIBC)
Fe and TIBC, Iron Profile, Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity, Transferrin Saturation, EPIC: LAB8290, Beaker: FETRF, Antrim: 17272

Iron, Blood Level
Iron Level, FE, EPIC: LAB94

Iron, Liver Tissue

Islet Cell Antibody, IgG (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231484, Beaker: XICA, ARUP: 50138

Nydrazid, EPIC: LAB6078, Beaker: XISON, NMS: 2440SP

Itraconazole Level (including Hydroxyitraconazole) (Southeast Michigan Only)
Sporanox, Sporaz, Orungal, Itraconazole Level, EPIC: LAB1231313, Beaker: ITRAC

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