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Here is what we have found for you. To view details of a test, click on its name. If you have a question, please contact Corewell Health Reference Laboratory at 1-800-551-0488.

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Antibody, IgG, Serum
Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Antibody, IgG, EPIC: LAB1230509, Beaker: XHAIG, MAYO: HIBSG

Halibut (Allergen Specific IgE) (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231406, Beaker: XHALBIGE, Warde: RF303

Haloperidol, Serum
EPIC: LAB1231447, Beaker: XHALP, MAYO: HALO

Hantavirus Hantaan IgG and IgM Antibodies
EPIC: LAB6264, Beaker: XMISC, Mayo: FHVGM

EPIC: LAB89, Beaker: HAPTO

Hazelnut (Allergen Specific IgE)
Filbert, Hazelnut (f17), EPIC: LAB2111601, SOFT: EHAZ, Antrim #31419

HCG Qualitative, Pregnancy Urine
Human chorionic gonadotropin, Urine, hCG Slide Test, Urine hCG Pregnancy Test (Qualitative), EPIC: LAB5068, Beaker: HCGU2, Antrim: 17278

EPIC: LAB1231096

HDL Cholesterol
EPIC: LAB101, Beaker: HDLC

Heavy Metals Screen with Demographics, Blood

Heavy Metals Screen with Reflex, 24-Hour Urine
EPIC: LAB398, Beaker: XHMU, MAYO: HMU24

Heinz Bodies
Heinz Bodies for Hemoglobin H Inclusions, Hemoglobin H, HB, EPIC: LAB6265, Beaker: XHNZB, ARUP: 49090

Helicobacter Pylori Antigen, Stool (Southeast Michigan Only)
Campylobacter pylori, H. pylori, gastritis, Helicobacter pylori Antigen, Stool, EPIC: LAB1231363, Beaker: XHPAG, Warde: HPSAG

Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test
Helicobacter pylori, H. pylori, h pylori, Breath Test, Ubit, Urea Breath Test, C13 Breath Test, Breath ID, Epic: LAB7227, Beaker: BTEK

Helicobacter pylori Culture with Susceptibility
EPIC: LAB1231444, Beaker: XMISC, MAYO: HELIS

Hematocrit (HCT)
HCT, Packed Cell Volume, PCV, EPIC: LAB289

Hemochromatosis Mutation
Inherited mutation causing iron overload, HFE genotype, EPIC: LAB8330, Beaker: GHHG

Hemoglobin (HGB) Level
Hemoglobin, HGB, EPIC: LAB291

Hemoglobin + Hematocrit (H+H)
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit, HGB/HCT, H and H, EPIC: LAB7530

Hemoglobin A1C (HGB A1C), Blood Level
Hgb A1c, glycated hemoglobin, HA1C, EPIC: LAB90, Beaker: A1C, Antrim: 17141

Hemoglobin F

Hemoglobin Variant Quantitation by HPLC

Hemoglobinopathy Evaluation (Southeast Michigan Only)
hemoglobin electrophoresis, EPIC: LAB1231654, SOFT: HGEVL, Antrim #21245

Hemosiderin in Urine Sediment (Southeast Michigan Only)
Urine Iron Stain, Urine Hemosiderin, Prussian Blue Stain, Urine, Hemosiderin, Urine, EPIC: LAB1231482

Heparin Platelet Factor 4 Antibody (Southeast Michigan Only)
Heparin/PF-4 Antibody Assay, HIT Screen, Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Screen - Type II, HIT - Type II Screen, HIT, Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, Heparin/Platelet Factor 4 Antibody Assay, EPIC: LAB1231294, SOFT: HPF4

Hepatic Function Panel (Liver Panel)
Liver Function Panel, EPIC: LAB20, HEPFP, Antrim #19048

Hepatitis A Antibody IgG (HAV IgG) (Southeast Michigan Only)
Antibody to HAV, IgG, Hepatitis A Specific IgG Antibody, Hepatitis A Antibody, IgG (HAV IgG), EPIC: LAB1231100, Beaker: HAVG

Hepatitis A IgM Antibody Level
Antibody to HAV, IgM, Hepatitis A Specific IgM Antibody, Hepatitis A Antibody, IgM (HAV IgM), EPIC: LAB7980, Beaker: HAVM, Antrim: 31332

Hepatitis B Core IgM Antibody Level
HBcIgM, Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM (HBcIgM), EPIC: LAB549, Beaker: HBCM, Antrim: 30960

Hepatitis B Core Total Antibody Level
HBcAb, Anti-HBc, Antibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen, Hepatitis B Core Antibody Total (HBcAb), EPIC: LAB790, Beaker: HBCT, Antrim: 30100

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Level
HBsAb, Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Anti-HBs, Hepatitis Bs Antibody, Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb), EPIC: LAB472, Beaker: HBSAB, Antrim: 30940

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Level
EPIC: LAB471, Beaker: HBSAG, Antrim: 31315

Hepatitis B Virus DNA Quantitation by PCR
HBV Quant, Hepatitis B Virus DNA, Quantitative by PCR, EPIC: LAB9510, Beaker: Hepatitis B, IHBVG

Hepatitis Be Antibody (Southeast Michigan Only)
HBe Ab, EPIC: LAB1231323, Beaker: XHBEB, Warde: HBEAB

Hepatitis Be Antigen (Southeast Michigan Only)
HBeAg, EPIC: LAB1231324, Beaker: XHBEG, Warde: HBEAG

Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Diagnostic
HCV Ab, Hep C, Hepatitis C Antibody, EPIC: LAB3543, Beaker: HCV, Antrim: 31310

Hepatitis C Virus Genotype with Amplification (GI and ID Use Only)
HCV Genotyping, HCV Typing, Hep C, HCV Mutation Analysis, HCV Genotype, EPIC: LAB6530, Beaker: IHCVG

Hepatitis C Virus RNA Quantitation by RT-PCR
Hepatitis C RNA quantitation, HCV viral load, HCV Quantitative, HCV Quantitation, Hep C, Hepatitis C Virus, Quantitative by PCR, EPIC: LAB8870, Beaker: IQHCG

Hepatitis D Antibody, Total
EPIC: LAB1230012, Beaker: XHDAB, MAYO: AHDV

Hepatitis Delta Antigen
Hepatitis D, EPIC: LAB1231211, Beaker: XHDAG, ARUP: 2006450

Hepatitis E IgG Antibody, Serum
Hepatitis E IgG, Hepatitis E Antibody, IgG, EPIC: LAB10015, Beaker: XHPEG, ARUP: 201015

Hepatitis E IgM Antibody with Reflex to Confirmation
EPIC: LAB10136, Beaker: XHPEM, Mayo: HEVM

HER2 by Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

HER2 Gene Amplification Assay by FISH

Hereditary Spherocytosis Evaluation (Southeast Michigan Only)
Osmotic Fragility, Routine Osmotic Fragility, Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility (Routine), EPIC: LAB1231472, Beaker: XMISC, MAYO: RBCME

Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 Antibody, IgG
HSV 1 (IgG) and HSV 2 (IgG), Herpes Simplex Virus Antibody Panel, HSV Antibody Panel, EPIC: LAB507, Beaker: HSVGS

Herpes Simplex Virus (HVS) Neonate Surface Screen (Southeast Michigan Only)
HSV, PCR, Culture, nucleic acid amplification, Neonatal, maternal, genital, shedding, intrapartum, postpartum, conjunctivae, mouth, nasopharynx, rectum, EPIC: LAB1231701, Beaker: NHSVG, WARDE: HSVC

Herpes Simplex Virus PCR (Southeast Michigan Only)
HSV PCR, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 1 & 2 by PCR, HSV 1 & 2 by Detection PCR, EPIC: LAB1231266, Beaker: IHSVG

Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) by PCR, Quantitative
EPIC: LAB7601, Beaker: XHERP8, Mayo: FHV8P

Hexagonal Phase Phospholipid (Southeast Michigan Only)

Hexosaminidase (Tay-Sachs), Leukocytes with Molecular Reflex
Tay-Sachs, GM2 Gangliosidosis, Hexosaminidase A, Total Hexosaminidase, Sandoff's disease, Autyl Glucosaminidase, EPIC: LAB7950, Beaker: XHEXL, Mayo: NAGR

Hexosaminidase (Tay-Sachs), Serum
Tay-Sachs, GM2 Gangliosidosis, HexosaminidaseA and Total Hexosaminidase, Sandoff, EPIC: LAB6054, Beaker: XMISC, Mayo: NAGS

High Molecular Weight Kininogen
HMWK, Fitzgerald Factor, EPIC: LAB1231212, Beaker: XHMWK, ARUP: 2007578

High Sensitivity Troponin
high sensitivity Troponin I, hsTnI, troponin, troponin panel, cardiac troponin, cTnI , EPIC: LAB1231497 High Sensitivity Troponin I (standalone); LAB1231498 High Sensitivity Troponin I Baseline with Reflex to 2-hour HS Troponin 

Hirsutism Test Group 1 (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231213, Beaker: XMISC, ARUP: 2001763

Histamine, Plasma
EPIC: LAB3086, Beaker: XHISP, ARUP: 70036

Histamine, Urine
Urine Histamine, Mast Cell Disease, EPIC: LAB1231234, Beaker: XHSTU, ARUP: 70038

Histone Antibody (IgG)
Anti-Histone Antibody, AHA, EPIC: LAB1231715, Beaker: XHISG, ARUP: 50860

Histoplasma Antibodies, CF and ID
Histoplasma capsulatum Antibodies, EPIC: LAB7651, Beaker: XHISTOAB, ARUP: 0050627

Histoplasma Antigen
BAL: EPIC: LAB1231636, Viracor: 33222, CSF: EPIC: LAB1231637, Viracor: 33251, Serum: EPIC: LAB1230613, Viracor: 87385, Urine: EPIC: LAB1230612, Viracor: 30882

HIV 1/2 (RAPID)/Hepatitis Source Patient Panel
Source Patient Panel, HIV Source Testing, Source HIV, RAPID HIV, Source Hepatitis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis C Antibody, Anti Hepatitis C, Anti-Hepatitis C, HBsAg, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV 1/2 (RAPID) / Hepatitis Source Patient Panel, EPIC: LAB6648, Beaker: HSPP

HIV 1/2 Antibody, RAPID, OB Patient
RAPID OB HIV, RAPID HIV 1/2, HIV 1/2 (RAPID) OB Testing, EPIC: LAB5228, Beaker: HIVOB

HIV 1/2 Testing Algorithm
HTLV-III Antibodies, HIV Antibodies, HIV Ag/Ab Test, HIV Combo, HIV 1/2 Screen, HIV Screen, EPIC: LAB1231685, Beaker: HIV4G

HIV Phenotyping
Antivirogram™, HIV Phenotype Resistance Testing, MONOGRAM #V3200, Testing requires pathology approval prior to collection.

HIV-1 Quantitation RNA PCR
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 quantitation, HIV 1 RNA Quantitation by PCR, HIV Viral Load, EPIC: LAB3620, Beaker: HIV-1 Quant

HLA Antibody Screen (Southeast Michigan Only)
HLA Antibody Screening, EPIC: LAB1230924, SOFT: HLABS

HLA B27 Screen by Flow Cytometry
HLA-Antigen B27, HLA-B27, HLA-B27 Screening Assay, Flow Cytometry, HLA B27 Screen, EPIC: LAB8690, FB27G

HLA Class I Disease Association (Southeast Michigan Only)
HLA typing, HLA-A, B, C typing, tissue typing, HLA Class I Typing for disease association, HLA-A29 Genotyping (Birdshot Chorioretinopathy), HLA-B27 Genotyping (Spondyloarthropathies), HLA-B51 Genotyping (Bechet's Disease), EPIC: LAB1230930, SOFT: CIDA, EPIC: HLA-A29 LAB1230936, EPIC: HLA-B27 LAB1230937, EPIC: HLA-B51 LAB1230938

HLA Class I Typing (Southeast Michigan Only)
HLA Class I Typing, HLA typing, HLA-A, B, C typing, tissue typing, EPIC: LAB1230932, SOFT: CITYP

HLA Class II Disease Association (Southeast Michigan Only)
HLA Class II Typing for Disease Association, HLA typing, tissue typing, HLA-DR, DQ typing, HLA-DQ Genotyping (Celiac Disease), HLA-DQB1*06:02 Genotyping (Narcolepsy), EPIC: LAB1230933, SOFT: CIIDA, EPIC: HLA-DQ LAB1230939, EPIC: HLA-DQB1 LAB1230940

HLA Class II Typing (Southeast Michigan Only)
DNA-based histocompatibility testing, disease association, histocompatibility, HLA DR testing, Donor HLA typing, Class II Typing, EPIC: LAB1230935, SOFT: CIITY

HLA Donor Typing Class I (Southeast Michigan Only)
Donor HLA Class I Typing, HLA typing, tissue typing, HLA-A, B, C typing, EPIC: LAB1230931, SOFT: DITYP

HLA Donor Typing Class II (Southeast Michigan Only)
Donor HLA Class II Typing, HLA typing, tissue typing, HLA-DR, DQ typing, EPIC: LAB1230934, SOFT: DIITY

HLA-B*57:01 Screen for Abacavir Hypersensitivity (Southeast Michigan Only)
HLA-B*5701 Screening for Abacavir Hypersensitivity, EPIC: LAB6425, SOFT: CIB57

Homocysteine, Total
Homocystine, EPIC: LAB93, Beaker: HCY, Antrim: 30380

Homovanillic Acid (HVA), 24-Hour Urine (Southeast Michigan Only)

Homovanillic Acid (HVA), Random Urine (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231180, Beaker: HVAU, MAYO: HVAR

Honey Bee Venom (Allergen Specific IgE)
Honey Bee Venom (i1), EPIC: LAB2111603, SOFT: EHB, Antrim #31860

Hormone Receptor Studies (Estrogen and Progesterone) by Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

Horse Dander (Allergen Specific IgE)
Horse Dander (e3), Antrim #31630, EPIC: LAB10207, SOFT: EHOR

House Dust Greer Labs (Allergen Specific IgE)
House Dust (Greer Labs), House Dust, Greer Labs (h1), Antrim #31385, EPIC: LAB10154, SOFT: EHDG

House Dust Hollister Stier (Allergen Specific IgE)
House Dust (Hollister-Stier Labs), House Dust, Hollister-Stier (h2), House Dust/Hollister-Stier Labs, Antrim #31865, EPIC: LAB10155, SOFT: EHDS

House Dust Panel (IgE)
House Dust Allergy Panel IgE, House Dust Panel, EPIC: LAB1231150, SOFT: EHODU

House Dust Screen (Southeast Michigan Only)
House dust (hx2), EPIC: LAB1231170, SOFT: EDUST, Antrim #32015

HPV DNA Detection (Southeast and Southeast Michigan Only)
Human Papillomavirus, HPV, HPV DNA, high risk, genotype 16, genotype 18, cervical cancer screening, ASCUS, co-testing, EPIC: LAB1231019, Beaker: HPVHR

HPV Genotyping, (Sample Types Other Than Cervical ThinPrep®) (Southeast Michigan Only)
Male HPV, Non-Thin Prep HPV, Squamous cell carcinoma, EPIC: LAB1231021, Beaker: HPV GENOTYPI

HTLV I/II Antibodies Screen with Confirmation, Serum

Human Herpes Virus 6 IgG (Southeast Michigan Only)
HHV-6 IgG, HHV6, Roseola, HHV-6 (Human Herpesvirus-6) IgG Antibodies, Herpesvirus 6 Antibody (IgG), EPIC: LAB1231220, Beaker: XHV6G, ARUP: 2013423

Human Herpes Virus 6 IgM (Southeast Michigan Only)
Herpesvirus 6 Antibody (IgM), HHV6, Roseola, HHV-6 IgM, HHV-6 (Human Herpesvirus-6) IgM Antibodies, EPIC: LAB1231221, Beaker: XHV6M, ARUP: 3001284

Human Herpesvirus 6 by PCR
Human herpesvirus 6 PCR, HHV-6, HHV6, Roseola, Herpesvirus-6 Human DNA DetectR, Serum: EPIC: LAB1230194, Viracor: 6510, Whole Blood: EPIC: LAB1230195, Viracor: 6516, Bone Marrow: EPIC: LAB1230191, Viracor: 6504

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Genotyping for Drug Resistance (HIV-1) (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231535, Beaker: XHIVG, Warde: HIVTO

Huntington's Disease, Symptomatic
Huntington's Disease DNA Test, Order Miscellaneous Send Out, Prevention Code: 2299 Prevention Genetics

Hydrogen and Methane Breath Test (Southeast Michigan Only)
Hydrogen Breath Test, Methane Breath Test, Breath Test for Lactose Intolerance, Breath Test for Fructose Intolerance, Breath Test for Sucrose Intolerance, Breath Hydrogen, Breath Methane, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, SIBO, Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth, SBBO, EPIC: LAB1231516, SOFT: BRH2, Antrim #13510

Hydroxychloroquine Level
Plaquenil™, NMS: 2362SP, Order as a Miscellaneous Send Out.

Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid, 5 (5HIAA), Urine 24-Hour (Southeast Michigan Only)
5-HIAA, Urine 5-Hydroxyindole Acetic Acid, Hydroxyindole Acetic Acid, Urine, 5-, EPIC: LAB1231360, Beaker: XHI24, Warde: U5HIA

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis I (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231195, Beaker: XHYP1, ARUP: 55076

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis II (Southeast Michigan Only)
EPIC: LAB1231128, Beaker: XHYP2, ARUP: 3001560

Hypoglycemic Agent Screen
Sulfonylureas Panel (chlorpropamide, tolazamide, tolbutamide, acetohexamide, glipizide, glyburide, glimepiride), Meglitinides (repaglinide), EPIC: LAB1231708, Beaker: XHYPG, Mayo: HYPOG

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