Here is what we have found for you. To view details of a test, click on its name. If you have a question, please contact Corewell Health Reference Laboratory at 1-800-551-0488.
Echinococcus Antibody, IgG
Hydatid cyst(s), EPIC: LAB1230927, Beaker: XECHN, MAYO: ECHNG
Echovirus Antibodies
EPIC: LAB1231191, Beaker: XECHO, ARUP: 60053
EGFR Mutation Analysis
EGFR, Lung cancer mutation analysis, non-small cell lung cancer, EPIC: LAB1231622, Beaker: EGFR
Egg White (Allergen Specific IgE)
Egg White (f1), Antrim #31584, EPIC: LAB2111488, SOFT: EEGW
Egg Yolk (Allergen Specific IgE)
Egg Yolk (f75), Antrim #31584, EPIC: LAB2111489, SOFT: EEGY
Eggplant (Allergen Specific IgE)
EPIC: LAB1231420, Beaker: XEGPLIGE, Warde: F262E
Ehrlichia Chaffeensis Antibodies, IgG and IgM by IFA
HGE, Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis, HME, Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis, EPIC: LAB1230705, Beaker: XEHRL, ARUP #51002
Electrolytes and Osmolality Profile, Fecal
Electrolyte and Osmolality Profile, Fecal, EPIC: LAB1230027, Beaker: XELOSF, ARUP: 20699
Electrolytes Panel (Lytes)
Serum Electrolytes, Electrolyte Panel, EPIC: LAB16, Beaker: LYTES, Antrim: 13675
Electron Microscopy (Ultrastructural) Study of Platelets
Please contact the Electron Microscopy Laboratory for information regarding this test.
Electron Microscopy Study of Cilia
Please contact the Electron Microscopy Laboratory for information regarding this test.
Electron Microscopy Study of General Surgical Specimens
Please contact the Electron Microscopy Laboratory for information regarding this test.
Elm Tree (Allergen Specific IgE)
Family Ulmaceae, Elm (t8), EPIC: LAB2111490, SOFT: ELM, Antrim #31409
Emergency Issue Protocol
Endomysial Antibody and Titer, IgG
EPIC: LAB1231361, Beaker: XENDG, WARDE: ENDG
Endomysial Antibody, IgA
Dermatitis Herpetiformis, Celiac Disease, Tropical Sprue, EPIC: LAB771, SOFT: ENDOA
English Plantain (Allergen Specific IgE)
Plantago lanceolata, English Plantain (w9), Antrim #31805, EPIC: LAB2111491, SOFT: EENP
Entamoeba histolytica (Amebiasis) Antibody, IgG by ELISA
EPIC: LAB1230926, Beaker: XEHG, Mayo: EHOLG
Enterovirus by Nucleic Acid Amplification
Meningitis, Viral, Virus, URI, Upper Respiratory Infection, PCR, Real-Time PCR, EPIC: LAB1231368, Beaker: XENTV, Warde: EVPCR
Eosinophil Count, Urine
Eosinophils in Urine Sediment, Urine, Eosinophils, EPIC: LAB10167
Eosinophilia (EOS) Probe Panel by FISH
FISH, genetic, eosinophilia panel, myeloproliferative neoplasm, FIP1L1/PDGFRA fusion for del(4q)(q12), PDGFRB gene rearrangement, FGFR1/CEP8, JAK-2 gene rearrangement, EPIC: LAB3274
Eosinophils and Neutrophils, Smear (Southeast Michigan Only)
Eosinophils in Nasal, Sputum, or Conjunctival Smears, Eosinophils and PMNs Smear, EPIC: LAB1231479
Epicoccum purpurascens (Allergen Specific IgE)
Epic. purpurascens, Epicoccum purpurascens (m14), Antrim #31810, EPIC: LAB2111492, SOFT: EEPP
Epithelial Basement Membrane Zone, IgA
Dermatitis Herpetiformis, Linear IgA Bullous Dermatitis, Pemphigus/Pemphigoid, EPIC: LAB1231222, Beaker: XEBMZ, ARUP: 92057
Epstein Barr (EBV) VCA Antibody, IgG
EBV VCA IgG, EBV IgG, Epstein-Barr Virus IgG, EPIC: LAB768, SOFT: EBVG
Epstein Barr (EBV) VCA IgM Acute Antibody
EBV VCA IgM, EBV IgM, Epstein-Barr Virus IgM, EPIC: LAB769, SOFT: EBVM
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) RNA Detection by in-situ Hybridization
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Quantitative PCR, Plasma (Southeast Michigan Only)
EBV DNA, EBV DNA PCR, EBV viral load, Epstein-Barr Virus, PTLD, EPIC: LAB1231712, Beaker: XEBVQNT, Viracor: 4501
Epstein Barr Virus Antibody Panel
EPIC: LAB1231655, SOFT: EBVP, Antrim #30931
Epstein Barr Virus Antibody to Early Antigens (EBV-EA), IgG
Epstein Barr Virus Antibody to Nuclear Antigens, IgG
Epstein Barr Virus by PCR, Qualitative, (Non-Blood Samples Only)
EBV, Stool - EPIC: LAB1230167, Viracor: 4508, Tissue - EPIC: LAB1230290, Viracor: 4506
Epstein Barr Virus, Quantitative, Non-Blood
EBV DNA, EBV DNA PCR, EBV viral load, Epstein-Barr Virus, PTLD, BAL: EPIC: LAB1230168, Viracor: 4509; Bone Marrow: EPIC: LAB1230166, Viracor: 4504; Bronch Wash: EPIC: LAB1230172, Viracor: 4526; CSF: EPIC: LAB1230165, Viracor: 4503; Tissue: EPIC: LAB1230289, Viracor: 4506; Trach Aspirate: EPIC: LAB1230171, Viracor: 4519; Trach Wash: EPIC: LAB1230173, Viracor: 4548
Erythrocyte Porphyrins Evaluation
Whole Blood Erythrocyte Porphyrin, EPIC: LAB7628, Beaker: XFEP, Mayo: PEE
EPO, Antrim #31429, EPIC: LAB1231282, SOFT: EPO
Estradiol, Blood Level
E2, 17 ß-Estradiol, Estradiol Level, Estradiol (E2), EPIC: LAB523, Antrim #17015
Estriol, Unconjugated
uE3, EPIC: LAB1231280, SOFT: UNEST
Estriol, Unconjugated (uE3), Maternal Triple Screen
Estrogens, Estrone (E1) and Estradiol (E2), Fractionated Serum
Estrone(E1), Estradiol(E2), EPIC: LAB1230028, Beaker: XFEST, MAYO: ESTFR
Estrone, Serum
EPIC: LAB3510, Beaker: XESTR, Mayo: E1
Ethosuximide Level
Zarontin, EPIC: LAB1231298, Beaker: XETHO, Warde: ETHSX
Ethyl Glucuronide Screen with Reflex, Random, Urine
EPIC: LAB1231296, Beaker: Ethyl Gluc, MAYO: ETGS
Ethylene Glycol
Ethylene Glycol Level (Quantitative), EPIC: LAB8526, Beaker: ETGL
Ethylene Glycol (including Propylene Glycol)
Ethylene Glycol Level (Quantitative), Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol Levels, EPIC: LAB1230983, SOFT: EGPG, Antrim #13435
Ethylene Oxide (Allergen Specific IgE)
Ethylene Oxide (k78), Antrim #31815, LAB1231151, SOFT: EETO
Everolimus Level
Certican, Zortress®, Afinitar®, EPIC: LAB1231336, Beaker: XEVER, Warde: EVROL
Executive Health HDL LDL (Executive Health Service Only)
Executive Health Panel, EHS HDL/LDL, EPIC: LAB5045, Beaker: EXHDL
Executive Health Panel (Executive Health Service Only)
Executive Health Panel, EHS Blood Panel, EPIC: LAB5046, Beaker: EXHEA
Extractable Nuclear Antibodies (ENA)
ENA, anti-Sm/RNP, Anti-Smith (Anti-Sm), Antibodies to Extractable Nuclear Antigens (ENA), Antrim #30141, EPIC: LAB5756, SOFT: ENA